Tuesday, November 15, 2005

One Plane Golf Swing

Here's a fantastic website by Chuck Quinton, a golf instructor somewhere in Florida. He teaches the one plane swing, and has lots of streaming video drills to watch. I think it's a good starting point for learning the swing, but finding a local teacher is ultimately the best idea. From my own experience, this swing works great with the driver, but I've a little trouble applying it to short irons--probably because it's a much more "around" than vertical swing. What Chuck is best at, contrary to what you might think, is teaching average golfers not to worry so much about technique. Too many golfers obsess about golf mechanics, which dooms them to inconsistent play on the course. That's refreshing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to purchase their videos and after paying I could not login, kept getting errors. I asked for a refund and they refused, do not have time to trade emails trying to help them with their tech issues. They may very well be a credible resource however; In my opinion I would stay away from this site do to the poor customer relations.

Chuck Quinton’s One Plane Golf Sucks  You Tube

Chuck Quinton’s one plane golf swing sucks. Blog